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Fundacion Hogar de Ninos Huerfanos is an orphanage located in the rural community of Jaibon, in the northwest province of Valverde, in the Dominican Republic.  This orphanage is home to 20 to 25 young boys between the ages of 4 and 18.  The orphanage is directed by Soraida Hernandez, known to everyone in the community as la Tia (the aunt), a 70+ year old Christian woman who has been working in the orphanage system since 1979.  As well as directing the orphanage, she directs a public elementary school with approximately 500 students.


This orphanage is government regulated but sparsely and sporadically funded.  At one point the orphanage was fully supported and funded by an international organization but since the fall of 2013 they have been dependent upon local support, individual donations and intermittent subsidies.  This is where Koinoneo has begun working through God to fill the void.

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